Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I have the shittiest best friend in the world, I swear. I must be PMSing, because I'm just so filled with anger and sadness. I feel as though I could cry any second.

I was texting him yesterday, and it made me miss him so much. Actually, it's not even that I miss him. I think it's really the cuddling and such I'm missing, and just always having someone to call every night and little things like that. The cute little perks that come with being in a relationship.

Monday, March 16, 2009

You would call me the moment that I realize I'm completely over you.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Things are good. I've made new friends recently and I absolutely love them all. I'm pretty much completely over "him", and I know that as soon as I get a new guy I'll be fine. I think I may have already found someone, but who knows how that'll turn out. I'm happy with how everything is going. Spring Break is next week, yeeeees.
"who are you to judge the way i live? i know i'm not perfect and i don't live to be. but before you go pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." -bob marley

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Officially done. He's already seeing other girls. Fuck my life.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Seriously starting to think that hookups > relationships. I'm not talking hookups as in getting with someone once and barely speaking to them ever again, but more of the friends with benefits type thing. Shit, I know I'm down. I just don't know if I'll be able to prevent myself from getting attached.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

This next song is about when you get your heart broken, and you try your best to glue it back together and you wake up one morning and you’re so happy because you realize, ‘Oh my God, the tape’s holding’
— Sara Quin
I feel like such a bitch. I went to this girls birthday party yesterday. I'm not really friends with her, but I knew her in middle school and we have some of the same friends, but it was awkward as fuck. The reason I feel like a bitch is because I left with everyone without saying goodbye to her or anything. I seriously feel like it'd be too awkward and weird to ever talk to her again, agh.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I actually feel like I have a life for once. I really hope it continues. I also hope that I find a new guy, asap.
I'm confused as fuck about everything. One half of me knows that I shouldn't be talking to you, that I don't deserve to be treated the way you treat me, but the other half wants to keep you around in hope that things will get better and you'll change. It also bothers me that if I do end things, I know you'll most likely be getting with other girls probably less than a week after we stop talking. This shouldn't bother me because I know that you won't care for those girls any more than you care for me, but the fact that you'll have someone to kiss and cuddle and I won't have anyone is what upsets me.

This really shouldn't be a hard decision to make. The logical thing to do would be to dump you because you're complete and utter scum. My emotions are just getting in the way, that's all.

It's raining right now. This is the kind of Saturday that I love. All I want to do is stay inside and watch movies. Chinese food would be good too, mmm. Speaking of food, I'm going to try and eat healthier and work out more. Not because I want to lose weight or anything, but because I want to get healthy. I've been in the same weight range since I was 13, I don't think i need to worry about it. We've been learning about nutrition in health, so I guess that's what has made me decide to take better care of my body. I'm kind of doubting myself right now, but we'll see what happens.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm so happy I was wrong about everything. I knew that I wouldn't be able to get over him fast, despite the fact that I kept telling myself and everyone I knew that I would.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Things are fine.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm so sleepy all of a sudden, I don't understand why. Yeah, I am always tired, but I was fine until five minutes ago. Today I'm making cupcakes with purple frosting for Katie's birthday tomorrow. Jill is supposed to be coming over to watch the last two episodes of Flight of the Conchords, also. I just want to cuddle up and sleep, really.

Wanting these:

Sunday, March 1, 2009

funny like a funeral

Seriously Prada? I love you, but those boots look like they were meant to be used for wading in water.


the moon got lost and fell in lake michigan

Lazy sunday. All I'm thinking about is being in love (although I'm not). It would be nice right about now.

Currently obsessed with mild kung pao chicken and orange chicken from Asian Wok. I had it for dinner last night and am considering having it again tonight. It's so good, mmm.